Sunday, May 1, 2011

"Fear is the Mind Killer"

To this day, Frank Herbert's novel, DUNE, is one of my most favorite books. I love the story with its desert setting, rich characters, plot-lines, and above all, the protagonist Paul Muad'dib whose unassuming rise to fame and leadership among the Freman people reveals an interesting lesson about heroes and the followers they produce. However, there is something more to the idea that with greater power comes a reduction of fear. In fact, when used with righteous intent and Godly purpose, the Lord will provide his servants with knowledge and power (in that order) which casteth out fear. The burning zeal then borne from such pure testimony will recoil any curse subsequently sent forth by God's enemies back upon themselves as well as make unafraid the warrior who chooses to stand up for what he knows is right; for that is the only way the war against evil can be won. We must remain self-confident, not just in our abilities and knowledge of the truth, but more importantly in our total dependence on the Savior and his Atonement wherein "if men build they cannot fall." (Helaman 5:12) I know that I can have confidence because of the confidence the Lord has in me. Surely, the knowledge that God is on my side makes all the haters of light and liberty entirely insignificant, even as the dust of the earth. Flick.

In the story of Dune, Paul Atreides (later known by the appellation of Muad'dib), is forced to undergo a training exercise to determine if whether or not he is "human." In essence, he is meant to withstand a great burning pain after placing his hand inside a box while at the same time having a poisoned needle, or "gom-jabbar" placed against his neck to prick him in the event he withdraws. In the end, the heat and burning he experienced turned out to be pain by nerve induction only, with no agony or injury to his flesh. What is more, throughout the seemingly painful process, he repeated to himself the 'litany of fear' which reads as follows:

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

I love this. While repeating these lines, Paul was able to control the pain response within him until it stopped completely. The meaning of this is two-fold. First, that the feeling of pain can be overcome if not completely at least to where one can "endure it well enough." Second, as we center our focus on the Lord during our own "gom-jabbar" moments, reciting the "litany of Christ," we will find the strength necessary to overcome all trials and hardships just as He did in all things. With confidence, may we also recite these words aloud:

"For being afraid is the first consciousness of sin's entering in, for he that is made afraid has lost consciousness of self's own heritage with the Son; for we are heirs through Him to that Kingdom that is beyond all that that would make afraid, or that would cause a doubt in the heart of any." -Edgar Cayce

For Jesus did say, "...If ye continue in my word, then ye are my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31-32) Confucius also urged people to think for themselves and stand up for what they felt was right. He told them, "If I feel in my heart that I am wrong, I must stand in fear even though my opponent is the least formidable of men. But if my own heart tells me that I am right, I shall go forward even against thousands and tens of thousands."

If you really think about it, the good guy has already won. If Christ is Lord of your life then in principle so have you. God is on our side. We are stronger than our enemies because we are right. Even if we personally do not win in our lifetimes, those who organize in terms of our principles and values, both taught and lived, will win. Numbers are inconsequential. I care not for the number of those pulling the other end of the rope to make me cross the line. What matters more is that I pull back. I only fear two individuals: God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. My line in the sand has been drawn. As we align our wills with their own, proclaim the truth in speech and action, and expose the wicked intents of corrupt leaders and their no-mind redcoat followers, we will rise above our fears through faith in Lord Jesus Christ. After all, it was He who calmed the storm in well as the sailor.

Long live the fighters

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