So our impious President has finally admitted his citizenship as hereby legitimate and valid, with form and all! Well that makes everything all better now doesn't it? No! Same animal different fur. It is strange, though, that his very actions and policies continue to define him as more of a foreigner and stranger to America's laws and Constitution than those of a true and proud American. Indeed, Barack Hussein Obama has never really walked upon the same American soil as we do. He seeks glory and honor for himself and his party rather than uphold the divine principles set forth under the Constitution and the voice of the people. He is no more a true patriot of this country than I am to his Soviet Russia. My allegiance lies here. America is great, exceptionally great. There is but one flag. The flag. Heaven's banner. America is the most powerful nation in the world because of its values and morals. Evil is evil in American's eyes and good is good. There is no room for gray or divided allegiance. In the face of evil we stand firm insofar as we stay close to the true leader of this promised land, the Lord Jesus Christ himself. I cannot fathom a man who thinks as our President does but still he persists in deception, using taqiyyah before an ignorant and uninformed public eye. Though, I can appreciate the man who chooses to think about what he does and then act appropriately rather than nod his agency away in blind obedience without delay.
The best indicator of what something or someone will be is to analyze how it or they have already been. Obama will not change in 2012. He holds as much substance and promise in his speeches as cotton candy. Perhaps his lapel will change but most certainly not his nature. Any non-thinker who votes for this anti-American is no better than the very people who hailed Adolf Hitler as their supreme leader, thoughtless and unscrutinizing they were in their minds. Or as Friedrich Reck-Malleczewen declared in his emotional non-fiction masterpiece about the comprehension of evil during the Third Reich, Diary of a Man in Despair: "These people are insane." Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe elaborated this concept even further when he said, "There is nothing more odious than the majority. It consists of a few powerful men who lead the way; of accommodating rascals and submissive weaklings; and of a mass of men who trot after them without in the least knowing their own minds."
A leader's mistakes are only amplified by those who follow him without question. Obama's lack of qualifications and political naivete only suspend him higher from the ground in whose corded movements the Grand Puppeteer manipulates himself, the father of lies. We should all take seriously the counsel offered by Theodore Roosevelt when he declared: "...every man who parrots the cry of 'stand by the President' without adding the proviso 'so far as he serves the Republic' takes an attitude as essentially unmanly as that of any Stuart royalist who championed the doctrine that the king could do no wrong. No self-respecting and intelligent freeman could take such an attitude."
"What luck for rulers that men do not think?" - Adolf Hitler
This is the collective anthem for tyrants and dictatorships - the control over men's minds. If they can shape your thinking, then you can be manipulated. Realize that they are the fish swimming dependently in a vast ocean of which we the people make up. They fail to thrive without our presence and soon choke and die beneath the exposure of the burning light of revealed truth. This is how gangs, terrorists, and dictatorships operate - on the recruitment and usurpations of weak minds. Corrupt leaders are only as powerful as we permit them to be. Let us not shirk in our responsibilities as citizens and freemen and to hold accountable their devious actions. Surely, it would be much harder for a burglar to rob a home if the spotlight is on him.
Think. Scrutinize. Analyze. Ponder. Pray. Stand up and be counted with head high. We must not compromise. Examine the luster of your spiritual blade and then ask yourself if you are prepared to fight for what's right. Is the image of God engraven on its steel countenance? Does your own reflection show the Savior right beside you? Government is not the answer. Personal responsibility is the answer. You have the power to change and the will to succeed insofar as you do not suffer fools. The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Long live the fighters
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