Monday, April 20, 2015

True Meaning of Friendship

Been reading about General Armistead and his friend, General Hancock in the Civil War and the true ties they maintained throughout the conflict. It's a sweet story and leaves me thinking of how important friends are in life. I have always loved the scripture in 2 Corinthians 7:6 where Paul, after suffering much, his "flesh having no rest" and who "without were fightings and within were fears," was comforted by the coming of Titus, or the arrival of a friend. 

Sad that Armistead and Hancock never did have their reunion in the war as they were both wounded with Armistead died. As portrayed in the movie, Gettysburg, the actor Richard Jordan beautifully portrays what real friendship is all about. I love when he wishes God to strike him dead if he ever raised a hand against his friend, General Hancock

I also love that Irish folk song, Kathleen Mauvorneen (or Mauvornin) which is sung in that same scene. I call my own wife 'mauvornin' now as it means "my darling." :)

Anyway, just a real nice story about two soldiers who never forgot what was most important - each other. Kind of like marriage, always knowing that you're never alone.

Former President Rutherford B Hayes said this about William Hancock [but also how all men ought to strive to be remembered]: “[i]f, when we make up our estimate of a public man, conspicuous both as a soldier and in civil life, we are to think first and chiefly of his manhood, his integrity, his purity, his singleness of purpose, and his unselfish devotion to duty, we can truthfully say of Hancock that he was through and through pure gold.” 

Here's that scene with Armistead talking about his friend, Hancock "the Superb."

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